The following actions are currently being taken regarding chemical registration:
Cherries have submitted a critical use needs to the NDA. The NDA is facilitating in an expedited and prioritised manner an incentive scheme to have these products registered for use on the minor crops by the industry.
Whilst that is taking place, a temporary suspension of the implementation of the standards regarding food hygiene and food safety of regulated agricultural food products was promulgated in terms of R707 of 13 May 2005 under the following conditions:
Full disclosure of products being used must be made to the Registrar: Act 36
The minor crop industry must take full advantage of the incentive scheme.
All other export standards and requirements on quality, phytosanitary and sanitary are complied with in respect of the export of the mentioned products.
The importing country’s requirements are complied with, and this shall include amongst other requirements, compliance with their minimum residue limits. We will have all crops tested locally prior to export from each producer to ensure compliance with the latter.
All of the above will lead to a situation whereby exports will not be affected by the lack of a GlobalG.A.P certificate. Concurrent negotiations are being held with GlobalG.A.P SA to issue certificates based on the above mentioned process. We believe that there is compliance with the requirement of GlobalG.A.P that all the plant protection products applied are officially and currently authorized or permitted by the appropriate governmental organisation in the country of application.
The following actives were put on the critical registration list and all efforts are being made to have them registered as soon as possible under the dispensation of the Registrar of Act 36:
Mineral oil (summer oil)
Mineral oil (winter oil)
Myclobutanol and Mancozeb
Paraquat dichloride
Beauveria bassiana
Boscalid and Pyraclostrobin