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Definitions of export standards

Cherries Export Standards 2022 A
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Cherries Export Standards 2022 B
File Size: 91 KB
File Format: PDF

Local Market Standards



1.Restrictions highlighted in this document are provided as guidance to industry to ensure compliance with maximum chemical residue tolerances in countries to which South African deciduous fruit is exported. No absolute guarantee can however be given that export residue tolerances will not be exceeded in all instances.
2.Restrictions contained in this document have been compiled from information currently available and will be reviewed and amended annually, according to information derived from local and export regulatory bodies, primary export markets and agrochemical companies.
3.Recommendations and requirements on agrochemical container labels are based on current registrations of plant protection products used in the South African deciduous fruit industry and in terms of Act 36 of 1947 and good agricultural practice (GAP) and must be adhered to at all times. Specific requirements and restrictions regarding plant protection chemicals and maximum residue limits (MRL’s) of importing countries have made it necessary to introduce further restrictions in order to comply with export MRL’s.
4.Please note, producers are responsible for exercising due diligence by complying with restrictions and keeping accurate and detailed records of all plant protection products applied. Producers are strongly urged, in their own interest, to abide by these restrictions to minimise the risk of residue tolerances being exceeded.
5.Also note, export default withholding periods in this document are based on the active ingredient and not the formulation or trade names. Producers must take note of warnings on labels regarding use restrictions eg. due to possible spray residue, do not apply after pea berry size on table grapes.


1.Information on restrictions included in tables per fruit type, lists chemical active ingredients confirmed to be used in the deciduous fruit industry alphabetically, with relevant trade names included for convenience but not implying endorsement of specific trade names listed only. Also note, actives registered for use on deciduous fruit but not included on this list may be used by deciduous fruit producers.
2.Values for maximum residue limits (MRL’s) for each active ingredient are expressed as parts per million (PPM), with local and export withholding periods expressed as number of days or as otherwise indicated.
3.NOTE :
The Export Default MRL column in each table provides export Default MRL’s based on the strictest MRL per active ingredient, for the South African (SA) and the European Union (EU) Harmonised MRL, as from September 2008, since 80% plus of exports are destined for the EU.
Also note, requirements for adjusted Export Default Withholding periods were determined according to the Export Default MRL’s for 2013/ 2014, based on the Export Default. Where information on adjusted export default withholding periods could not be provided by agrochemical companies, to include in this document, producers and exporters are requested to contact agrochemical companies directly, as indicated in the tables.

Information provided on the site as Version 1, July 2019 will be reviewed to include any minor revised amendments and replaced as Version 2, October 2019, with a final update for 2019 as Version 3, December 2019 if required.

Since amendments may arise between versions requiring further updating of the above information, if required, a date will be included to indicate that information was updated/ reviewed for the given version. Please ensure you confirm the most recently updated version/ update according to the date indicated on the website. Check the Version number and date to confirm that you have the latest information.

Abbreviations in tables below include: DP= dusting powder; EC= emulsifiable concentrate, SC= suspension concentrate, WG= water dispersible granule, WP= wettable powder; ** not after small pea-size berries; FST = application before or at fruit formation; PHT = Post-harvest treatment of fruit; LOD = lowest limit of detection; – = No MRL tolerance set; Exp. = Exempt from tolerance; Temp. MRL = Temporary MRL; (p) = Provisional MRL; t = Temporary MRL.

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